A complete guide to make money with fiverr will let you convert your skills into cash. This guide is specially made for those users who want to utilize their skills to make money online. Not everyone wants to run a website or blog, for that matter, even among those people who do want to run a blog or website, not everyone is going to be successful at it. Going with what you do best is always the wisest business decision and Fiverr allows you to do just that. If you are not familiar with Fiverr now, It will allow you to sell skills that you already possess and can provide a great way to income online, If you are already a member of Fiverr so you will find plenty in this guide to help you to improve your income.
There are tools being introduced online all the time that can help people to make money online, It is up to the individual to learn about what is available out there and to use those tools to their advantage. You will find that Fiverr is one of the simplest systems to use and that, if you use it right, you can make an impressive amount of money on it.
Introduction To Fiverr
Fiverr is a marketplace for individuals who are looking to sell services or who are looking for someone to perform services for around five dollars. It is possible to make more than five dollars per gig on the site, however, some people have managed to turn Fiverr into a profitable enterprise for themselves. The variety of jobs available on the site and the variety of services offered are staggering.
From Commonplace to Weird:
Part of the appeal of Fiverr has come from the fact that people can buy and sell in a very broad variety of categories. Along the margin of the page, you will find everything from old standby services such as Graphics & Design, Music & Audio, Programming. Delve a little deeper, however, and you will find the Fun & Bizarre category, one of the most interesting places to go on the site.
Where most online marketplaces have been geared toward one service sector or another ie programmers. Fiverr is diverse. Programming and other technology services are popular, but the site is also home to voice-over artists looking for gigs, people who will test products and even people who offer very odd services, such as singing Happy Birthday to you in Welsh in a wool hat.
The name Fiverr does describe what the site has to offer well, though there are ways to make more money on the site, if you are so inclined. The site is integrated with social media sites, making promotion very easy.
Fiverr uses level system that allows sellers to utilize good reputations as a means of making more money. The basic gig price is $5. As a seller increases in levels, however, they can start providing add-on services for additional fees. As and example, someone who does designing work may add and additional service "graphics", a scripted exchange with another actor or whatever else the buyer may be interested in, for an extra fee for $10 or more. This provides ways for established sellers to make more money on their gigs and, of course, for buyers to get everything they need in one transaction. The amount of money a seller can make with extra is directly tied to their account level.
Level 1 Sellers:
There are sellers who have been on the site for 30 days and who have successfully completed 10 orders. Sellers at this level have to maintain very high customer reviews. Level 1 sellers have ability to add services to their gig, putting them on the road to higher earning.
Level 2 Sellers:
Level 2 sellers have been on the site for least two months and have completed 50 orders with high levels of customer satisfaction. At this level, the seller is given more tools to work with,. They can add advanced services and are able to take advantage of the site's advanced sales tools, as well. These sellers are also given priority where tech support is concerned, making it easier for them to keep using the site and encouraging them to keep doing business on site.
Top Rated Sellers:
This is the highest level that sellers can achieve. At this level, the seller gets even more sales tools and is brought into the community more. They are offered opportunities to test beta features and get VIP support from the company if the seller has technical issues. The only way to achieve this level is to have the editors of the site choose you. It requests that you have been on the site for a long time and that you have done great deal of business. Your customer reviews have to be excellent to be considered for this level.
The easiest way to sign up at Fiverr is through your existing facebook account. If you want, however, you can sign up using a simple online form on their website at this url: Fiverr.com It takes less than a minute and an activation email is sent to your account as the final step. The signup process opens the door to offering services or contracting people to complete services for you. The is integrated with facebook and twitter so that users can promote on those social networks seamlessly.
Payment is handled through PayPal and Payoneer, so you will need an account with one of them. Users simply withdraw money they make on Fiverr to their PayPal or Payoneer accounts. Fiverr keeps $1 out of the $5 standard fee that each gig offered for.
While there are plenty of fun and some rather silly services on Fiverr, there are some very practical ones as well. Given the $5 price convention, they tend to be the types of services that people will need in pinch. As an example, the programmers on Fiverr tend to offer services such as modifying small programs, writing fast pieces of code and so forth. For an experienced programmer, these are fast jobs and, for someone who only need this type of work done, hiring a programmer on an hourly basis may be much more expensive.
To create a gig, all you have to do is navigate to the Start Selling link on your homepage. This will give you all the fields that you need to create a gig. Here are some tips for getting your gig noticed.
If you have a lousy, boring headline, no one is going to notice your gig. This is where you really need to be creative. Be descriptive and use all 140 of the allowed characters. For instance, don't say "I will read your report and edit it". Be specific. "I will proofread up to 5 page of a report and edit it" would be far more useful to a buyer.
If you pick the wrong category, your gig will get rejected. Make sure you pick the right one and specific. Putting your gig in the right category increase your chances of getting orders fast.
Fiverr gives you a very generous 1,200 characters to describe your gig. Use them, be very specific in terms of what you are offering. It will keep your customers happy and they won't feel like you did not deliver or like they were taken on a $5 bait and switch.
Make sure your buyers knows what you need from them to get the job started and to complete it. Without good instructions, you may be setting yourself up for disaster. Be sure to be clear about any materials you need so that can start work right away.
This is where you enter the keywords that people will likely search for if you are the person they are looking for. Pick selective words that describe your gig. If you don't know how to do this, imagine that you were searching for someone to complete your gig. What words would you search for? Those are the words you want to put in this field.
Do not overpromise in this field. Make sure you give an accurate estimate and take into account your other obligations. If you overbook and do not complete jobs, You are not going to get that Top Rated Seller ranking.
There are lot of different strategies that you can use for this field. For some gigs, a photo of yourself id ideal. For others, a more businesslike selection would be more appropriate. Put some thought into this. Look at your competition and see what you could do to make your image more eye catching.
Signing Up
The easiest way to sign up at Fiverr is through your existing facebook account. If you want, however, you can sign up using a simple online form on their website at this url: Fiverr.com It takes less than a minute and an activation email is sent to your account as the final step. The signup process opens the door to offering services or contracting people to complete services for you. The is integrated with facebook and twitter so that users can promote on those social networks seamlessly.
Payment Methods:
Payment is handled through PayPal and Payoneer, so you will need an account with one of them. Users simply withdraw money they make on Fiverr to their PayPal or Payoneer accounts. Fiverr keeps $1 out of the $5 standard fee that each gig offered for.
Idea of the Services:
While there are plenty of fun and some rather silly services on Fiverr, there are some very practical ones as well. Given the $5 price convention, they tend to be the types of services that people will need in pinch. As an example, the programmers on Fiverr tend to offer services such as modifying small programs, writing fast pieces of code and so forth. For an experienced programmer, these are fast jobs and, for someone who only need this type of work done, hiring a programmer on an hourly basis may be much more expensive.
Creating a Gig
To create a gig, all you have to do is navigate to the Start Selling link on your homepage. This will give you all the fields that you need to create a gig. Here are some tips for getting your gig noticed.
If you have a lousy, boring headline, no one is going to notice your gig. This is where you really need to be creative. Be descriptive and use all 140 of the allowed characters. For instance, don't say "I will read your report and edit it". Be specific. "I will proofread up to 5 page of a report and edit it" would be far more useful to a buyer.
Fiverr gives you a very generous 1,200 characters to describe your gig. Use them, be very specific in terms of what you are offering. It will keep your customers happy and they won't feel like you did not deliver or like they were taken on a $5 bait and switch.
Make sure your buyers knows what you need from them to get the job started and to complete it. Without good instructions, you may be setting yourself up for disaster. Be sure to be clear about any materials you need so that can start work right away.
This is where you enter the keywords that people will likely search for if you are the person they are looking for. Pick selective words that describe your gig. If you don't know how to do this, imagine that you were searching for someone to complete your gig. What words would you search for? Those are the words you want to put in this field.
Maximum Days to Complete:
Do not overpromise in this field. Make sure you give an accurate estimate and take into account your other obligations. If you overbook and do not complete jobs, You are not going to get that Top Rated Seller ranking.
Add Image and Video:
There are lot of different strategies that you can use for this field. For some gigs, a photo of yourself id ideal. For others, a more businesslike selection would be more appropriate. Put some thought into this. Look at your competition and see what you could do to make your image more eye catching.
Very easy and fully explained guide to make money online with fiverr, keep sharing great posts like this one. thanks